Friday, March 27, 2009

Transfiguration Part II

Salvation has found me. Reprieve no longer my enemy. Freedom as blissful as I’d only dreamt as if those dreams themselves dispersed into reality. Like the war on terror the idea of battle was imaginary. It all started with a kiss... That sealed our fate. It's lingering hold. I cannot forget.
Do people lie behind closed doors? Those thoughts projected not the intention imposed? In time all shall be revealed. But for now... Imago. My final stage has been reached and my potential limitless

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Transfiguration Part I

Anticipation draws us ever closer to the battle's forefront. Digression strays us. Wave goodbye to whom you thought you knew. Waves of emotion create fear in the unknown and a struggle to continue forth. There’s one constant. The kiss that has awakened me. I'm now exposed with one option remaining. IF it is indeed our true self we crave to release from our internal prison then why does such desire not overcome our fear? Why do we hide in the comfort of the known? Like a kiss will it take away my world - the one's I love? Evidently the days are passing and I can hear the battalion approaching. The travesty. Steadily I approach grenade in hand.

Do I pull the pin? Will love prevail?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Deconstruction of Self

It all starts with a kiss... That seal of fate. It's lingering hold. That shame and guilt. YES it all starts with a kiss my friends and it was a kiss that unravelled the true colours of my identity. Sheltered and deprived of expression, my lips too have cried for reprieve and found salvation only in my dreams. Not only can a kiss bring such beauty to this world and mark my words it does, but with it too can bring a world of hurt. For that connection, that sense of belonging becomes our world and without acceptance we're sure to crumble.
The discovery of our true being is what we yearn for. In time it shall be revealed and all that we know today becomes a vacant memory.

If it all starts with a kiss then why can only a kiss take so much away?